Download Resident Evil 4 (Persian Dubbed) | Golden Software

It is possible to download this game only through the Telegram channel. Enter the Telegram channel @OldPersianGames and search for the name of this game.

File NameFile SizeUploaded at
Resident_Evil_ 4_Photos.rar53.98 MB2022-06-28 18:48:41
EVIL4_CD1.iso548.28 MB2022-06-30 20:45:59
gameEditor.iso687.51 MB2022-06-30 20:46:50
gameEditor2.iso549.42 MB2022-06-30 20:46:22
Resident Evil 4 Manual (GS).pdf36.75 MB2022-06-30 21:21:13



@AG_e_e_kA تهیه بازی, تهیه تصویر, تهیه کتابچه, نگارش مشخصات@alihardan نگارش مشخصات