Download Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (Persian Dubbed) | HI-VU

It is possible to download this game only through the Telegram channel. Enter the Telegram channel @OldPersianGames and search for the name of this game.

File NameFile SizeUploaded at
Pro Evolution Soccer 6-CD1.iso631.74 MB2020-08-19 19:51:23
Pro Evolution Soccer 6-CD2.iso482.06 MB2020-08-19 19:56:38
PES06-Patch.rar8.49 MB2023-08-15 22:06:26



@Mahdi_Jafarzadeh تهیه بازی@Aras_Max تهیه تصویر@alihardan تهیه تصویر, نگارش مشخصات