Download Path to Glory (Iranian Game)

It is possible to download this game only through the Telegram channel. Enter the Telegram channel @OldPersianGames and search for the name of this game.

File NameFile SizeUploaded at
path-to-glory-hi-vu-photos.zip79.27 MB2022-02-01 00:51:03
Rahe eftekhar.iso920.32 MB2021-12-25 19:40:43
RaheEftekhar_Serial.txt10 B2022-02-01 00:35:33



@AG_e_e_kA تهیه بازی, تهیه تصویر, نگارش مشخصات@alihardan نگارش مشخصات@Sayyed Mohammad Nabavi نگارش مشخصات