Download Mobarez (Iranian Game)

It is possible to download this game only through the Telegram channel. Enter the Telegram channel @OldPersianGames and search for the name of this game.

File NameFile SizeUploaded at
mobarez-hi-vu-photos.zip4.93 MB2024-02-11 17:10:12
Mobarez-CD-1.zip649.53 MB2024-01-04 00:43:03
Mobarez-CD-2.iso482.67 MB2024-01-04 00:46:27

This game is DRM-Protected and no patch provided yet.

This game is DRM-Protected and no patch provided yet.



@Pepe_the_Frog_999 تهیه بازی, تهیه تصویر, نگارش مشخصات@Arash_a70 تهیه بازی, تهیه تصویر, نگارش مشخصات@alihardan نگارش مشخصات