Download In The Shadow of Magic (Iranian Game)

It is possible to download this game only through the Telegram channel. Enter the Telegram channel @OldPersianGames and search for the name of this game.

File NameFile SizeUploaded at
in-the-shadow-of-magic-kooh-e-yakh-ariana-photos.zip10.15 MB2022-03-01 11:08:20
My Files.iso289.61 MB2021-09-08 17:31:03
In the shadow of magic-No-CD-Patch.rar1.89 kB2022-03-05 15:18:32



@AG_e_e_kA تهیه تصویر@CyberDemon مهندسی معکوس@alihardan نگارش مشخصات