Download Commandos: Strike Force (Persian Dubbed) | Novin Pendar

It is possible to download this game only through the Telegram channel. Enter the Telegram channel @OldPersianGames and search for the name of this game.

File NameFile SizeUploaded at
Comm5-Photos.zip15.77 MB2021-09-14 07:48:10
Comm5-Photos-Modified.zip26.55 MB2021-09-14 07:51:03
Comm5_CD1.iso684.56 MB2021-03-17 01:19:20
Comm5_CD2.iso692.43 MB2021-03-15 20:16:43
Comm5_CD3.iso692.43 MB2021-03-16 16:17:18
Comm5_CD4.iso692.43 MB2021-03-16 21:26:33
Comm5_CD5.iso569.74 MB2021-03-16 21:29:01
Commandos Strike Force Manual-Orginal.rar29.43 MB2021-09-08 02:56:57
Commandos Strike Force Manual-NP.pdf3.73 MB2021-09-10 03:21:23



@Mahdi_Jafarzadeh تهیه بازی, تهیه تصویر@AG_e_e_kA تهیه تصویر@Aras_Max تهیه تصویر@alihardan نگارش مشخصات